Wednesday, March 26, 2008


There was this armadillo, see! No wait, it was a rhino! And it just escaped from prison... and it was rabid, yeah. ...And it was this poor old lady! No wait, it was a group of kindergarten's! So, I had to stop it of course, which is how I got this cut on my finger. Which is why I couldn't write until NOW and say Happy Belated Birthday!

This really did happened, I promise!

We hope you had a wonderful birthday Tyler and are enjoying your Spring Break!

You think you & Rylan could be brothers? The genes run to close in the family.


tuttie said...

Happy Birthday Tyler, I cannot keep up with you guys anymore. I love your picture on the blog. Hope to see you soon, you are becoming such a handsome young man,and growing up too quickly, although I know your mom would not say that hahah/ Hope you are had a great Easter and having fun on your spring break. Luv Grammy T.

Barbara said...

Tyler, you are 14 years old on your birthday, and you look like your going to be a big running back for BYU, UCLA, USC or LSU. Happy, happy birthday. Moving up to high school next year will be another new adveture in your life. PaPa and I are so proud of you and how you are developing into a young man. We love you very much. Grammy Barbie and PaPa

Kat said...

Happy Birthday Tyler,we have kept up with you and all your accomplishments the past 14 yrs, thru Grammy Barbie.It is a pleasure to see how handsome you are.Good luck with the transition to High School. You will make an awsome athlete. Love,Aunt Kathleen and all your Mississippi cousins, Kevin,Madison,Aubrey,Gracie,Kelly and Jon

Stephanie Given said...

Thank you Aunt Mimi for the great picture. Rylan and I do look alike. That was a great time we had while you were here. Can't wait to see you in Hawaii!
