Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Weekend

We hope your weekend was as fun as ours! We had an enjoyable, busy, and somewhat relaxing weekend. Here are a few pictures from yesterdays egg hunt. Rylan was so much fun to watch, he was just so excited to find Easter eggs. Some of these pictures aren't the best. I think they are a little grainy from shooting in sport mode, as well as the one with the Easter bunny, I had my flash on and caught "AWFUL" red eye. The kids got to see the Easter bunny this evening at the E club here on the base. Rylan's eyes just lit up when he walked in the room. Just like Christmas, it's very easy for the kids to get caught up in the fun of Easter and forget about the true meaning. Mark & I were very happy to hear Hunter & Josh explain to Hailey & Rylan during Family Home Evening this week, why we celebrate Easter and the importance of this time of year. As much as it is important to teach our kids about the birth of our Savior Jesus, it is ever so important to teach them about his life here on the earth and that he attoned for our sins, so that we can be saved and have eternal life. The words to one of my favorite primary songs that we sung today is below. It ever so plainly simplifies my thoughts of this time of year and the love our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ has for us. Have a wonderful day and Happy Easter!
He Sent His Son
How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness?
He sent his Son, a new-born babe, with peace and holiness.
How could the Father show the world the pathway we should go?
He sent his Son to walk with men on earth, that we may know.
How could the Father tell the world of sacrifice, of death?
He sent his Son to die for us and rise with living breath.
What does the Father ask of us?
What do the scriptures say?
Have faith, have hope, live like his Son,
help others on their way.
What does he ask?
Live like his Son.

Words by Mabel Jones Gabbot, 1910-2004


Kat said...

Wow.I have been so buzy I have not been reading the BLOG. Yall are the best, sooo involved in your children. God has truly blessed the love in your family. Your creative skills are a pleasure to view. The children are so bright,happy and involved. Jesus truly lives in your home and lives.My Easter family is visiting inlaws in GA.Happy Easter to all

tuttie said...

Happy Easter Crew Family, is that blue water in the background, mom and dad look like they are surviving life in the New Country. So happy you all are doing so well, looks like we are going to have a company of basketball players, ballerinas and gymnasts in the future. Luv Grammy T.

Stephanie Given said...

Hi Melissa and Crew Family! Wow you have been busy with your sight. I love the pictures. Looks life carries on the same way around the world. Your crafts and cake are so cute. I am impressed with your new cooking skills. Sounds like you are cooking a lot more. Way to go.....We have all be busy here too. We had a nice Easter weekend with our annual ward Easter brunch and egg hunt at the park. The kids had a wonderful time. Saturday was also Tyler's birthday. It was weird that they were both so close this year. So we did not do our family Easter activities....dyeing eggs and making Bunny sugar cookies until Sunday for Easter. It was a fun activity to do for Sunday. Anyway, I love all of your pictures. Is there some way we can send a picture back to you on this site? Let me know. Much love, to all the family!!!
Your long lost sister.....SORRY!!

Barbara said...

Hello... finaly catching up on my blog notes. You all look great but the boys need their bangs cut!!! Sounds like you had a nice Easter and the kids had fun. They all look like they are getting so tall and much older. You have a beautiful family and we love you all very much. Good to talk to you on the phone. Hug all the kids for us. Love Mom and Dad